One Funnel Away Challenge

Fasttrack Training And Strategies For Building A Profitable Online Business


Best Value Sales Funnel Building Course With Live Coaching, Direct Response Marketing, Offer Creation, Traffic, Copywriting, Publishing And More!
August 17, 2020 | Godswill Arum
With the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses now more than ever before understand that having an online presence is key for the survival of their business. 
Most businesses proceed very quickly into building a website with the expectation that this will bring them customers and increase sales. There are currently over 1.5 billion websites on the internet but only a fraction of those get consistent traffic.  Building a website the traditional way has proved to be intimidating and daunting for many small businesses and entrepreneurs. It is time consuming, very costly to maintain and most times there is little or no return on investments. Usually, when a prospect eventually finds and visits a traditional website, they see so many links, buttons and pages with no clear direction or call to action for the prospect. They browse around aimlessly, and then decide on their own what action to take. And most of them eventually leave. So the website may get some traffic but not the expected sales conversion. People like to be guided and nudged to take a specific action for an expected result, but traditional websites don’t do that well. In the words of Russell Brunson, “Websites are dead!” 

The main problems association with building and maintaining a website, with little or no return on the effort spent, have led to massive growth in the use of sales funnels. 
Sales funnels drive real results, generate leads, traffic, and sales like clockwork.
Having a sales funnel is like having your very best salesperson in front of your store and they guide every customer through the store with specific instructions on what steps they should take to get results they want. A sales funnel gives you a lot higher conversion rate than a traditional website. And better still you need not pay this ‘salesperson’ salary to take your customer round. It all happens automatically online.
Do You Want To Build A Sales Funnel For Your Business?
The good news for you is that you don’t need to hire a web-designer, a developer or anyone else to do this for you. You can build your sales funnels yourself. There are many tools and training materials out there to help you build your sales funnel. They have varying degrees of costs and complexities. The best value funnel building course we have seen so far is the 'One Funnel Away' (OFA) Challenge. This challenge takes you through everything you need to build your sales funnel and launch it within 30-days.

If you are looking for training program that will drastically transform your business and your life, look no further. One Funnel Away Challenge is what you need. With OFA challenge you will gain solid understanding of the core fundamentals of direct response marketing and funnel building. Starting from the very basis in a manner that is easy to understand.
How Does It Work?
When you join the OFA challenge, you will get daily training videos from Russell Brunson and coaching sessions from no excuse high performance coaches. The challenge starts by breaking down every false belief and doubt you may have about building a profitable online business using sales funnels, so you will have a complete shift of mindset and the motivation you need to build your online business. 

You will be given daily mission tasks and assignments to complete every 24 hours so you can take small steps toward building your business daily! You will be guided through every step you need to take from the very beginning till you launch your funnel, test it and start driving traffic to it. You will also be taught how to optimise sales for your funnel after it is launched.

You will have live interactions with the coaches, get to ask questions and get the support you from day 1 to day 30. There is an accountability system to report on your progress daily. You will be taught the process for product creation, offer hacking and sequencing, traffic sourcing (paid ads and organic) to attract customers to your funnel, content publishing (podcast, YouTube, Facebook, blogs), copywriting, how to create one time offers (OTO)  / upsell, order bump, Video Sales Letter (VSL), squeeze page, lead magnet, list building / management and many more. The challenge also shows you in simple steps how to configure the seemingly technical bits such as SMTP, custom domain and sub-domain, Facebook pixels, auto responders et cetera.
What Do You Get?
The coaches literally Hold You By The Hand As You Launch Your First (Or Next) Funnel! As part of the challenge you will get the following:
  • 30 days plus of strategic training videos from Russell Brunson
  • 30 days of coaching Stephen Larsen, Julie Stonian and other coaches
  • One Funnel Away Challenge Customized kit (30 Day Plan)
  • ​Physical and Digital Copies of the Challenge workbook
  • ​MP3 player with Audio recordings of ALL of Russell’s daily trainings (Day 1 through Day 30), and Stephen’s recordings from his LIVE coaching calls throughout the first Challenge
  • ​30 days hardcover and digital book with detailed 30-day plans on how two comma club members (people that have made 1 million and above using ClickFunnels) would start from scratch and make their millions back if they suddenly lose everything with no name, no reputation, no list, no money, no traffic, and no product…
  • ​Unlimited access to 30 days interviews with two comma club members explaining the above plans
  • ​Behind the scenes recordings of the two comma club interviews
Who is it for?
This is for anyone that needs to build a profitable business online and also for those with brick and mortar business who need to have an online presence.

This challenge would make a remarkable difference for :
  • Complete beginners who are just starting out online
  • Entrepreneurs who are stuck with their own company but don’t know why
  • Those who are looking for that one funnel that will help them to have more impact on the world!
The challenge is perfect for people in all almost every business model including ecommerce, affiliate marketers, coaches, trainers, authors, writers and brick and mortar business owners. It is a quick way to get started with no product, no list, no traffic, no reputation and no experience. We have seen people who return to the challenge every month to use the coaching the sessions to launch an online business monthly. 

How much does it cost? Only $100?
Honestly, we believe that this cost is quite ridiculous for the value you get. The quality of the training and materials you get is over 10x the cost. We believe that Clickfunnels does not make money directly from this training. The catch is that they believe that when you have success selling your products through funnels, you're more likely to continue to use ClickFunnels to grow your company. They hope you'll chose to re-invest some of your profits back into the products and services that they sell.

Russell always over delivers so be rest assure that at the end of the training he will make you an irresistible offer that include buying ClickFunnels Platinum at a ridiculous price that you won’t get if you bought it directly.
Is There A Guarantee? Of Course!
The icing on the cake is that Russel offers you a guarantee that if you participate in the challenge, show up to the daily live calls, implement what you learn, but the time the challenge is done, you will have a complete funnel and a solid understanding of the core fundamentals of direct response marketing and funnel building.

And if for some reason you don't feel like that is true, then you can send back your challenge kit within 30 days from the day it arrives at your house and receive a full refund of $100. So you really have nothing to lose but everything to gain.
When Does It Starts? Just In A Few Days
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
The next challenge starts in a few days, click the button below to see the exact start date. 
How To Join The One Funnel Away Challenge!
Here's What To Do Next...

Click on the button below to access the One Funnel Away Challenge sales page to get started!
Thanks for taking the time to read this article and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the challenge!
I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.
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